Remember the day you caught all the green lights, got all the up-front parking spaces and crowned the day by winning the lottery? Right. Me neither. No offense to Leprechauns, but where is the Leprechaun when you really need him? They are notoriously unreliable. This article discusses a plan to both wear the green and count the green this St. Patrick’s Day.
Some people have all the luck. Maybe you are one of those lucky people, or you may have people in your life who “seem to have all the luck.” There really are people like that and my daughter is one of them, even as a baby. You will see what I mean from this example; when she was about four years old, I drove through a drive through with my friend Deb to order some drinks. From her car seat in the back, my daughter asked me to order her a medium drink, but I, being the practical mom, ordered her a small drink and explained to her that she wouldn’t be able to drink all of a medium drink and would end up spilling it in the car. Apparently, this medium drink request was important because she dramatically replied “Yes I WILL be able to drink a medium drink.” When we pulled up to the window, the lady handed me a medium drink and told us that she had made it by mistake and there would be no extra charge for the medium drink.
Another version of this same story happened when she wanted a puppy in third grade. Being the logical mom, I explained that it was not practical for us to have a puppy due to my mom’s ancient Chihuahua living with us at the time. Then a stray puppy literally jumped right into our car. The little guy was a thin waif of a puppy and pretty beat up. He appeared to be a stray, but I still went about asking around the neighborhood anyway. By now, you know that was just wishful thinking on my part and going through the motions. There are many stories like that, where regardless of what I think, the universe and my daughter have some other arrangement that overrides me and my paltry attempts to be logical and practical. Sparky, the puppy, is going on about 11 years old now.
It would be nice, however, for me, things don’t work the same way. I am in favor of both covering all the bases from a practical point of view, and at the same time, remaining open to receive any and all good luck that chooses to find me. After all, with as much uncanny good luck that my daughter has, some of it could spill over on me.
In the meantime, Thomas Jefferson makes an excellent point. He said, “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have it.” Maybe he just didn’t want to leave things to chance or maybe he was born on a Saturday, like me. Saturday’s child works hard for a living. To the extent that it is possible, isn’t a better strategy to actively take measures to recession-proof and stabilize your income while also maintaining an openness to good fortune that may come?
If you’re like me and concerned about the unreliability of Leprechauns, here are some of the more reliable ways our virtual call center is able to adapt, and keep working, almost no matter what.
We’re not saying that nothing bad will ever happen in the future or that nothing bad has ever happened in the past. We’ve seen our share of rocks in the road over the past 25 years, however, here are a few facts that our appointment setters regard as important:
When you move, you can take your job with you.
When there is a snow storm in New Jersey, you can call the west coast.
When there is a hurricane in Texas, you can call the east coast.
When the oil and gas industry cycles down, again, we can call some non-oil and gas related Clients.
When the economy is booming, we have a larger variety of work.
When the economy is weaker, companies turn to us for lead generation.
When the economy is really bad, we work harder for less money but we still keep working.
When we lose a Client, we use our own lead generation skills to get a new one.
Redundant file servers keep everybody up and running as long as you have internet and power – even when there is a direct hurricane hit on Houston.
You have a professional job without the hassle of commuting.
You can set your own hours while the kids are in school.
Diversification of client industries and geography.
In 25 years, we’ve never had a single layoff of an appointment setter.
High earnings potential.
When there is a global pandemic, we set phone appointments instead of physical appointments.
When there is a global pandemic, we all already work from home.
What’s luck got to do with any of that?
This St. Patrick’s Day, may you wear the green and count the green and may this Irish blessing be with you: May the leprechauns dance over your bed and bring you sweet dreams.
No Leprechauns were harmed in the making of this blog.
About the Author
Tracie Chancellor, CEO and Founder of TeleReach Corporate, national business to business call center specializing in sales appointment setting and lead generation, based in Houston, Texas. Chancellor is an MBA graduate of the University of Houston with over 20 years hands-on sales and marketing experience, working with privately-held businesses, universities, non-profit organizations, as well as Fortune businesses in the business to business marketing space.